Life Together
November 24, 2024
We hear the language “follower of Jesus” all the time, but what does it mean to be a disciple, or apprentice, of the rabbi from Nazareth? Put simply, it means you re-organize your life around three goals: Be with Jesus, become like Jesus, do as Jesus did. Our dream is that as we live this way, our lives, our communities, and our city will be transformed.
Following Jesus is an entire life’s pursuit. It is not just an event on a Sunday but a “way” of life in community around the teachings of Jesus. To “practice the way of Jesus” is to adopt the lifestyle of Jesus, to put his teachings into practice in all aspects of your life. As we live this way, we are transformed from the inside out. We believe this kind of deep, authentic, radical change of character is possible even in the chaos of the modern, digital, urban world.
By adopting not just the teaching but the practices from Jesus’ own life, we open up our entire being to God and allow him to transform us into people of love.
Our seven core practices work together to form a Rule of Life for the modern era. The Spiritual Practices are an on-ramp to spiritual formation, exploring what it means to follow Jesus and laying the foundation for a life of apprenticeship to him.
Throughout this two year journey, our hope is for every person—adult and child—to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do as Jesus did. These transformations take time, intention, and repetition. To support this journey, we’ve created Family Guides that align with the adult version we’re exploring as a church.