Worship is a way of life, a continual pursuit of encountering God and glorifying Him for who He is.

Worship is closely tied to the practice of Sabbath, which encompasses stopping, resting, delighting, and worshiping. This is a progressive journey: when we stop long enough to rest, and take time to delight in people, food, creation, and more, it naturally leads to worship. It's a way to humble ourselves and reorient our lives around God. The real question isn't if we are worshiping, but who or what we are worshiping.

As Romans 12:1 reminds us: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

“Whatever our preference may be, in the light of Colossians 3, a passive, critical, spectator attitude about worship doesn’t make any sense. God has brought us into His family and made us a community with one another. He has called us to sing and to testify with our voices, to teach and encourage with our songs about who He is and what He’s done. If we fail to participate, we’ve lost sight of this final point – we aren’t acting like recipients of the greatest gift imaginable in the gospel.”

Mike Cosper