Brian Heckber   -  

Your safety is our top priority. Due to the impending weather, we will only hold our 9:30 AM service tomorrow (Sunday, January 5) at all campuses. All other services, including the 11:00 AM service, 5:00 PM Trio service, and Student Night, are canceled. Kids and all student ministry (MS & HS) will be held at 9:30 AM at each campus.

If you’re unable to attend in person at 9:30 AM, you can still engage with the message—Darin’s sermon will be available on our website, YouTube, and Church Center App by 12:00 PM tomorrow.

All First Church buildings will be closed at 11:30 AM tomorrow and remain closed until Tuesday morning for the safety of our staff and to allow our snow team to clear the lots. All activities scheduled during this time are canceled.

Stay safe, stay warm, and we look forward to worshiping together next week!

Brian Heckber
Executive Director of Operations