Our Beliefs

Why We Exist

We exist to lead people to Know, Worship & Serve Jesus Christ.

Our Vision is to become a Disciple-Making church through Relational Engagement (small groups) and Leadership Development (discipling/mentoring relationships).

Core Beliefs

(This is not an exhaustive list, but it is a great place to start a conversation)


We believe in one God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the creator and sustainer of all things.


Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior and Lord of all people. His death on the cross makes it possible for us to get things right with God. Salvation is found only in Him (John 14:6). We also believe that He rose from the dead and will return one day to complete his plan for humankind.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit lives in Christians and empowers them for ministry. The Spirit is our source of assurance, strength, wisdom, and gifting for building up the church.

The Bible

The Bible is the very words of God, so it is the foundation of our faith and how we live our lives. 

The Church

The church is made up of all the Christians in the world. First Church is the local representation of those believers.  We are not part of a denomination but are led by elders who have been recognized by our church as qualified to lead us spiritually.  

Core Values


First Church is a family that is loved, accepted, and motivated to live by God’s grace. Personal transformation comes when God’s grace is applied to our lives.


Growth is an expectation for anyone who is part of the First Church family. Growth is a process as all followers of Jesus try to become more like Him.


As a Church family, our desire is to be connected to God and to one another. Life change takes place in the context of community.


As a Church family, we strive to care for one another and for those in our community.


Prayer is central to our relationship with God. Prayer is part of EVERYTHING we do.

Spiritual Practices

By adopting not just the teaching but the practices from Jesus’ own life, we open up our entire being to God and allow him to transform us into people of love.

Our seven core practices (Worship, Pray/Fast, Serve, Give, Sabbath, Community, Study) work together to form a Rule of Life for the modern era. The Spiritual Practices are an on-ramp to spiritual formation, exploring what it means to follow Jesus and laying the foundation for a life of apprenticeship to him.